Expertise We support you at each step of your project. SPECIFICATIONSrequirements, statements, notesDESIGNElectronic Boards, COTS integration, Mechanical integration, Software,PROTOTYPINGPrototype, Qualification, Industrialisation, QUALIFICATIONThe CENTRALP qualification team supports the validation of designs based on industry standards in all applications. Our laboratory guarantee extended temperature range : - EMC testing thanks to our Faraday cage - Thermal testing through our Climatic chambers We also assist you in monitoring COFRAC testing.MANUFACTURINGElectronic boards, Assembly, Tests,DELIVERYwe deliver all over the worldSERVICEAfter-sales service, MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations), Obsolescence management